Juliette Gordon Low: Founder of the Girl Scouts and A Deaf Champion Who Wouldn’t Hear “No”

Every year, Girl Scouts across the United States commemorate October 31st as Founder's Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the birthday of Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low. Ms. Low, who blazed a trail for countless young girls to follow and lived a life of daring, self-assurance, and integrity, would not accept "No" for an answer when confronted with negativity in her never-ending quest to make Girl Scouts of the USA a success. Juliette Gordon Low, also known as "Daisy," founded Girl Scouts of the USA in 1912, when women in the United States did not yet have the right to vote. Juliette grew her first troop of 18 girls into a global organization with nearly three million members in 92 countries and over 59 million alumnae. She envisioned the Scouts from the start as a movement in which girls could band together, work together, express their individual strengths, and realize their dreams. Ultimately, as countless Girl Scouts have done since, she reali...