Should You Learn American Sign Language From an AI?
How cool would it be if artificial intelligence (AI) could learn American Sign Language? Well, there's a student in India named Priyanjali Gupta who made an AI model that turned sign language into English. Gupta was a third-year engineer from India’s Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT). She made an Artificial intelligence model that was able to translate American Sign Language into English in real-time. According to an article, “She invented the AI model using Tensorflow object detection API that translates hand gestures using transfer learning from a pre-trained model named ssd mobilenet.” When Gupta signed basic signs such as Hello, I Love You, Thank You, Please, Yes, and No, the AI was able to translate those to English.
But, regardless of how incredible this cutting edge invention is, a question still remains... Is learning American Sign Language from an AI a good idea?
While it is amazing that individuals come up with inventions such as AIs that are able to translate ASL to English in hopes of bridging the communication gap between the hearing peeople and the Deaf, it is probably not ideal and realistic to learn ASL from AIs for a couple of good reasons.
Look at the infographic below to find out why:
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