Disney Princess Conversing in American Sign Language Delivers Joy to Deaf Child

A lot of individuals may feel isolated considering the fact that it’s typically difficult to communicate effectively in American Sign Language with peers, family members and especially strangers. With regard to 11-year-old Zoe Tapley, this experience was suddenly overcome at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Zoe is Hard of hearing, and her dad and mom, Jesse and Jeanette, routinely have to interpret conversations on her behalf when she's out in the general public. Within places such as amusement parks, they wander around experiencing and enjoying the park with Zoe. Subsequently, they help build awareness to her surroundings. They need to stop occasionally at check-in spots where the family discuss what is taking place around them using American Sign Language (ASL). However, things changed around the family’s 2022 trip to Disneyland. When Zoe and her parents were meeting various Disney characters, Zoe reached out to the actor dressed as Princess Anna coming from the movie Frozen...